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Theme Based Grants

Theme based grant programs direct our funding to areas our trustees have identified as strategic priorities. These grant programs are open to organisations.

Our theme based grants program for 2022/23 and 23/24 is Inclusive Neighbourhoods.

Inclusive Neighbourhoods

We all benefit from living in neighbourhoods where we feel welcome and safe. Our local communities provide us with access to the amenities for daily life and connection with others. Connection within community builds our sense of home and of contribution. It enhances our wellbeing and sense of safety.

Inclusive neighbourhoods grow from sharing connection to place, and/or through shared interests or passions. Sustained connections build relationships, where people become natural and valued supports to each other. We all need these kinds of freely given, mutual relationships in our lives.

This is as true for people living with disability as for non-disabled people, but people living with disability are more likely to report loneliness, low social support and social isolation.  Even where people living with disability have access to the supports they need, they may remain relatively alone and lonely. The pathway to genuine community membership is not created through services, but through the actions of people within our communities.

Our Inclusive Neighbourhoods grants program looks to build practice and policy around the authentic engagement of people living with disabilities in valued roles within their neighbourhoods and community groups. The total value of grants available is $1m over a two year period (FY 2022/23 and FY 2023/24). We expect to fund up to six initiatives, with grant values of between $133,000 to $266,000 each.

 For more information about our Inclusive Neighbourhoods grants program, please see the grant guidelines.

Other theme based grants

In addition to our Inclusive Neighbourhoods program, we are interested in receiving funding proposals for projects addressing the following strategic priorities:

  • Better NDIS practice: Discovering policy and practice that can hold the NDIS pathway accountable in terms of Scheme values of control and choice, and social and economic participation.  
  • Ending poverty through education and employment pathways: Discovering policy and practice that lifts people into mainstream waged employment, and the inclusive education pathways that support this.  
  • Proper homes: Delivering access to accessible, safe, secure, and affordable housing. Influencing policy in accessible housing, and assisting the development of high-quality accessible housing stock, so that people living with disability not only have access to good quality affordable housing but also have access to options for building equity in housing to move away from poverty.  
  • Safeguarding voice: Influencing policy on the availability of well-funded advocacy channels 
  • Measuring impact: measuring the impact of grant-funded initiatives, especially in terms of the advancement towards inclusion and away from poverty 

If you have an idea for a project addressing one or more of these themes, please contact us at grants@juliafarr.org.au or call 08 8373 8333.

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