Julia Farr

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About Us

The Julia Farr MS McLeod Benevolent Fund provides grant funding for projects that offer benefits to people living with disability.

The fund was originally established by a bequest from the estate of the late Murdoch Stanley McLeod, a prominent South Australian businessman, to help future generations of South Australians. Since then, other monies have been added to the Fund from a range of sources.

The fund is governed by a board of trustees and supported by a small team of professional staff. Our current trustees are:

Mark Priadko, Board Chair

Catherine Whitington, Deputy Chair

Tricia Spargo

Paula Davies

Trustees are interested in innovative initiatives that help people living with disability to have authentic personal control of their own lives and take up valued roles in mainstream community life.

If you have an idea for a grant, or want to know more about our work, please contact us directly at grants@juliafarr.org.au.

© Copyright 2006 - 2022 Julia Farr Association Inc. (ABN 16 464 890 778)
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Address 104 Greenhill Road Unley SA 5061 I Phone (08) 8373  8388 I Fax (08) 8373 8373 I Email grants@juliafarr.org.au I Freecall 1300 857 327