Julia Farr

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Apply for Funding

We are currently working on our new funding programs and encourage people to contact us via email if they are interested in applying or knowing more about our programs. 

If you have an innovative idea to improve the inclusion of people with disability as valued, contributing members of communities of their choice, please contact us directly at grants@juliafarr.org.au.

If you are interested in small grants for people living with disability, to improve their quality of life, please look at the programs available through JFA Purple Orange.

© Copyright 2006 - 2022 Julia Farr Association Inc. (ABN 16 464 890 778)
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Address 104 Greenhill Road Unley SA 5061 I Phone (08) 8373  8388 I Fax (08) 8373 8373 I Email grants@juliafarr.org.au I Freecall 1300 857 327